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Dentsleeve Technical Note 1 Version 2 - Assembly care

Vital information about the care of your Dentsleeve manometric assembly

Avoid accidental damage
by sharp objects

Your assembly is a durable device when handled appropriately, but cannot withstand abnormal forces.

Don't allow contact of any part of the assembly with sharp objects. The sleeve membrane is especially easily punctured by sharp objects as it is very thin.

Take care with flushing
the assembly

Vigorous flushing, especially with small volume syringes, can produce very large pressures within manometric channels which can rupture them. Assemblies with closely packed channels are the least resistant to this abuse.

The sleeve should be flushed with special care. Heavy flushing can rupture the sleeve membrane at the point of entry of the perfusate into the sleeve channel.

Don't try to flush a balloon channel if your assembly has one! These are fitted with a male nylon connector and a red luer locking ring, so they are easily distinguished from manometric channels.
Prevent soilage and blocking of channels

Don't allow non-perfused channels to fill retrogradely with body fluids. Before intubation, water-fill the channels that will not be perfused, and seal the luer connectors with the white nylon plugs supplied.

Gently flush all channels as soon as possible after use with a mild detergent solution and then water.

If you cannot flush an assembly immediately, it must be placed in water to prevent drying of secretions.

Be careful if a channel is blocked

  • Don't flush blocked channels as hard as you can. You may damage your assembly irreversibly.

  • Follow the procedures described in our Technical Note 4, Version 2, Procedure for unblocking channels.

    Treat the luer connectors kindly

    Twist these connectors as you remove them from transducer luers by rotating the wings of the connector between the finger and thumb as they grip tightly. Because of the grip of the connectors on the luers, they can be torn if they are pulled upwards without rotation. These connectors are designed specifically for manometric assemblies. They stretch over the transducer male luers and so provide a tight zero deadspace connection that gives excellent pressure rise rates.

    Clean and disinfect your assembly with care

    Disinfection is no substitute for adequate initial cleansing of your assembly. The assembly should be flushed internally and wiped externally in a warm detergent solution.

    Autoclave your assembly between each use.

    Please refer to Dentsleeve Technical Note 3, Version 2, Cleaning and sterilisation of Dentsleeve assemblies (page 68).

    Visually inspect your assembly before each use to

  • Ensure that it has not been damaged by excessive force applied during prior use and cleaning.

  • Check that any metal stiffeners remain safely encased.
    We recommend that you also check the integrity of the sleeve sensor. When the assembly is connected to the perfusion pump, and the perfusion running. Occlude the distal margin with a finger.

    The recorded pressure should be allowed to ramp up to 100mmHg. If this does not occur, the sleeve membrane must be leaking and will not give reliable recordings. For further information, see Dentsleeve Technical Note 2, Version 2.

    Dentsleeve International Ltd


    Technical Notes